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CRAFT NI: Buy, See and Engage with Craft

Buy, See, Engage…

Take a look at our digital campaign promoting all the excellent craft makers, retailers and galleries across Northern Ireland!

It has been running across 70 sites with over 500,000 plays of the ads in the last week of July and the first week of August. There are three ads which encourage people to Buy…See… and Engage with craft in Northern Ireland. Viewers are signposted to the Craft NI website Directory and Craft Map as well as to the August Craft Month calendar for lots of ways to find excellent craft exhibitions, galleries, retailers and events.
We are extremely grateful to our sponsors and media partners WhiteNoise Design and ClearChannel who have enabled us to run this campaign.
We will be in touch in the autumn with more information on the Directory and Craft Map and how we can make sure participants have a chance to update their entries. But for now, we are so pleased to have been able to take advantage of this brilliant sponsorship opportunity from WhiteNoise and ClearChannel to promote our important sector at such a busy time in the holiday and tourism calendar. Thanks so much!