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Orbit Update

Orbit Programme Adjustments

This programme is fully booked and we’ve been working with Chris Murphy to re-configure it for on-line delivery via Zoom. If lockdown lifts before the last session(s) we’ll revert to face to face. Either way, we’ll have an in-person session at the end for everyone to get together and work through any remaining questions.

If you need support with using Zoom, our friends at the Crafts Council have put together this useful guide.

In response to the circumstances, Chris has re-structured parts of the programme so there is now some added content that will help you weather this storm and make it out the other side.


Adjusted Schedule:


Wednesday 22 April 1-4pm

Session 2: Marketing and Social Media

We’ve pulled this session forward (it was Orbit 5) and it was focused on marketing off- and online. We’ll be refocusing a little to look at how you can use social media to widen your reach and diversify your audience. We’ll also consider the role that content and stories play in raising awareness.



Wednesday 13May: 1-4pm

Session 3: Pricing and Positioning (previously called Show me the Money)


If there’s one thing we’ve learned as a result of this crisis, it’s the importance of ensuring you have a diversified product base. In this session we’ll explore the importance of pricing and positioning when you’re considering the different parts of a portfolio career.


Wednesday 3 June: 1-4pm

Session 4: Your Digital Storefront (this replaces Portfolio Career)


Selling online is becoming increasingly important across all manner of industries and this looks set to only increase.


We’ll explore the ins and outs of establishing a digital storefront and why it’s important to build a direct, ongoing relationship with your customers. We’ll look at a number of different tools, from Etsy to Gumroad?.


Wednesday 24 June: 1-4pm

Session 5: Navigating the Funding landscape (was session 4)

This session will share successful (and unsuccessful!) applications and focus on what leads to securing support. We’ll explore sources of funding from public and private sectors and signpost the scope of opportunities available. Chris will also demonstrate how batching applications can help you repurpose content for different schemes, maximising the potential return on the time spent on different applications. We’ve also added some lessons learned applying for GOV.UK funding.
